Wednesday, 30 January 2013

IOSH Managing Safely

Having recently been nominated the LRC health and safety representative, I found myself going to meetings and not having a clue about the subjects discussed. That isn't to say I didn't know anything about health and safety, I have a rudimentary idea, know it is important and common sense often tells me if something is a hazard. However, I wanted to know more and be in a better place to be able to represent my department and help contribute to the overall College strategy, so when the opportunity came up to attend the IOSH Managing Safely course, I was only too glad to sign up.

It was taught over 4 consecutive days, which is very intense for any course and on the 4th day there was even an exam to sit. I would have preferred a day a week or a short evening course, however I'd signed up so I had to get on with it.

The course covers:

·         Introducing Managing Safely

·         Assessing risks

·         Controlling risks

·         Understanding your responsibilities

·         Identifying hazards

·         Investigating accidents and incidents

·         Measuring performance

·         Protecting our environment

All are interlinked especially when you come to do risk assessments, which is the final project on the course. It also proved timely from the point of view that the LRC risk assessments need updating and having done this course; I am more confident in doing the risk assessments and understand more what I’m looking for and why. These are ongoing currently, I haven’t had time to do them all yet for this year. One of the most positive things for me to come out of the course was being able to understand the reports I was reading that come to me as part of the Health and Safety Committee meeting papers. I know that if I hadn’t done this course most of it would have had to be explained to me. I would definitely recommend doing this course if you have health and safety responsibilities and believe me when I say - you all do, the buck might not stop with you but everyone is responsible for health and safety.

Working from home day 5 - however long it's been on 16/04

Yes, it may have been 3 or 4 weeks now but it feels like 3 or 4 months. I have got to the stage where I don't know what day it is, t...